NewsPublish Broadcast
Unified System Integration
Implement a unified system that enables seamless collaboration between editorial and broadcast teams.
Implement a unified system that enables seamless collaboration between editorial and broadcast teams.
Implement a unified system that enables seamless collaboration between editorial and broadcast teams.
Ensure editors can browse news feeds, create stories, populate rundowns, and publish directly to AVID iNews.
Ensure editors can browse news feeds, create stories, populate rundowns, and publish directly to AVID iNews.
Ensure editors can browse news feeds, create stories, populate rundowns, and publish directly to AVID iNews.
Digital Workflow Integration
Establish a streamlined digital workflow by connecting the unified system with digital platforms.
Establish a streamlined digital workflow by connecting the unified system with digital platforms.
Establish a streamlined digital workflow by connecting the unified system with digital platforms.
Allow for easy transfer of stories modified in iNews, enriched with media files, back to the NewsPublish platform for online publishing by digital editors.
Allow for easy transfer of stories modified in iNews, enriched with media files, back to the NewsPublish platform for online publishing by digital editors.
Allow for easy transfer of stories modified in iNews, enriched with media files, back to the NewsPublish platform for online publishing by digital editors.
Layout International
©2024 Layout International. All rights reserved
Layout International
©2024 Layout International. All rights reserved
Layout International
©2024 Layout International. All rights reserved